Friday, February 1, 2013

Day One

I feel I kind of cheated today because I slept until 11.30am. Can't buy when you are unconscious! I didn't really have a problem with food because I made about 12L of vegetable soup with lentils and tofu on Monday night so I had that for breakfast/lunch and then for dinner. Then I got out my awesome jar of Speculoos that my awesome friends Angelika and Kian brought back from Belgium for me recently and put that on gingernut biscuits. And, after I had a few and felt absolutely ill, I was about to gorge on even more when I realised that there were only a few left in the packet. And I couldn't buy any more for an entire month! So I stopped eating the biscuits. And just ate the Speculoos out of the jar.

First lesson learned: restraint.

Kind of.

I did have a few little tests today, though. First of all, the Speculoos-bringing Angelika has just edited a book and they are having a launch for it at one of the colleges here at Cambridge. The good news is that the launch is this month and will involve free alcohol. The bad news is that I couldn't buy the book despite really wanting to support her (also the topic, gender in Japanese culture, is of great interest to me!).

Today was also the day they put the tickets on sale for this month's MCR dinner. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Cambridge and its alien ways, the MCR is the graduate community of the college and an MCR dinner is a formal dinner where this graduate community sits down in formal attire in a big Harry Potter-esque hall to have a 4-course meal together over a bottle of wine each. And everyone gets ridiculously drunk. Sometimes there's a bop. Sometimes there is making out. Sometimes there is nakedness. Sometimes there are fights. Sometimes there is maroon vomit. Yes, I'm basically reliving my late teens but Brideshead-style. But they are fun and I always enjoy myself, especially after a bottle of wine, so I would have liked to have gone. Except I can't. Because I can't buy a ticket!

I also had to cancel plans to meet friends for brunch in the college hall on Sunday and I made my friends change their going out plans tomorrow night to fit in with the 'oh, sorry, I can't buy drinks in a club' part of my philosophy. So we have having cocktails in my friend's college room. Because that's what all the cool kids are doing, init.

I am starting to panic that this experiment is actually going to lead to me just reliving my life as a teenager before I had my own income.

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